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fireproof Grade Temic card or Mifare card door lock
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产品名称: fireproof Grade Temic card or Mifare card door lock
产品型号: 1011RFSC
点击次数: 2008次

fireproof Grade Mortise C

Panel and handle material: 304 stainless steel, 

Mortise C material: 304 stainless steel

A.hotel RF card door lock System Construction
DouWin locks, computer, management software, Encoder, Temic card or Mifare card, energy saving switch
B.Multiple functions
1.Five levels of control:General control, building control, floor control, area control and room control.
2.Password control:System password and operating password together to ensure security.
3.Cipher coding to key card:Each card has a different code that cannot be copied.Compulsory decoding will destroy the card automatically.
4.Area control:Cards of different types and levels can open different locks in different locations.
5.Timing control:Working clock is set inside locks to control the effective time limit of card keys.
6.File record:All issued card keys have records including each opening(also mechanical key opening).
7.Loss reporting:Open function can be cancelled when the card is missed.

Basic Technical Functional Index:
1.Power Supply:DC6V, use of 4 pieces of No.5 (or No.7) AA batteries, with lack of voltage indications.
2.Static Power Supply:<1u A
3.Dynamic Power Supply:About 200mA
4.Lifetime of battery:For the allowed door open times, it normally can exceed 20, 000.
5.Record inside the lock:256 lines for standard type.
6.Setting Requirement:Working temperature -20ºC~70ºC, humidity:98%max.
7.Anti-static Electricity:15, 000V, it ensures information inside the lock not missing under the interference of strong static electricity.

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